Term 1
Reminder Preps have Wednesdays off until the week of 13th March
Friday 24th February- Curriculum Day (student-free day)
Tuesday 28th February- CIRCUS DAY
Monday 13th March- Labour Day Public Holiday
Monday 20th March-Swimming Day 1
Monday 27th March- Harmony Day
Monday 3rd April-Thursday 6th April- Swimming Days 2-5
Thursday 6th April- Last Day Term 1
Term 2
Friday 12th May- Possum Magic Show at River links F-2
Monday 29th May- Whole School Professional Practice Day (student-free day)
Tuesday 16th May- Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Show Prep-2
Please remember the front of the school on Gowrie Street is a NO STANDING ZONE. The council will fine you if you are there. They have been driving past over the past few weeks at pick up and drop off times.
SCHOOL COUNCIL- we have yet to have ANYONE nominate for our School Council postions. Please if you are even a tiny bit interested give the school a call and we can speak with you about what a great opportunity it is.
We have seen a number of students coming to school with drinks other than water in their drink bottles. Please remember that we only have water in our drink bottles at Gowrie St. Please also make sure your child's drink bottle is named. We have had a number of them handed in that we can't give back because we don't know who they belong to.
Download the COMPASS APP. For help doing this please see our news from a few weeks ago. If you use the app you can let us know if your child is away saving Jo in the office many, many phone calls each day. It also means we can use the push notification option which means we can save money to use towards excursions or other fun things for the school.
We love it when our parents and carers have time for a quick chat first thing in the morning to say hi or to check in. If you have something more in-depth you wish to talk with your child's teacher about, please ask them if you can make a time to catch up. First thing in the morning is usually a hectic time for our teachers, so please ask them if you can make a time for that special focus on your child.
Please ask your child if they have notes from the school. We have found that a number of notes have not been handed to parents causing some problems. We always send information that is of high importance home in a note first.
A call out to anyone that is handy with a sewing machine. Our 1-2 classes are looking to get some fairy tale costumes made- princess outfits, waistcoats, fancy pants, that sort of thing. If you can help please let us know. We even have sewing machines so that if any parents or carers wanted to get together and come into school to sew we can set you up AND give you morning tea!
This Friday coming our staff will be working with Cassie Katani from Real Schools to understand more about Restorative approaches. After this, we will be looking for a time to make a session for parents to give you more information. Please keep an eye out for this.
On Wednesday the HOL students went to Bunnings. They built a nesting box and an ipad holder that they could take home with them.
Sarah was nice enough to donate 4 rugby balls to the school and the HOL students were taught how to throw a rugby ball by another Bunnings staff member while they were in the store.