Term 2
Tuesday 9th May- Open Morning
Friday 12th May- Mother's Day Breakfast
Friday 12th May- Possum Magic Show at River links F-2
Tuesday 16th May- Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Show Prep-2
Tuesday 16th May- Open Morning
Tuesday 23rd May- A Taste Of Africa music performance
Monday 29th May- Whole School Professional Practice Day (student-free day)
Friday 9th June- School Photos
Friday 19th Monday 19th June- 23rd June Swimming Week
Friday 23rd June- Last Day Term 2
Congratulations to the Grade 4/5/6 students who competed at the Interschool Cross Country at Princess Park Oval on Wednesday. Our students represented our school with pride, encouraging their classmates as well as students from other schools. All students showed amazing determination to finish the course to the best of their abilities. Congratulations to Tyra Atkinson, Laporsha Lovett-Mcgee, and Jason Miller for winning their events. Congratulations to Knox Harrington for being invited to compete in Division Cross Country next week.