Wednesday 30th - Father's Day/Special Person Stall
Friday 1st September- Father's Day/Special person breakfast and COLOUR RUN
Friday 8th September- Ardoch Learning Through Lunch Grade 6s
Tuesday 12th September- RUOK Day
Wednesday 13th September-15th September- Grade 5-6 Melbourne Camp
Friday 15th September- Last Day Term 3
Monday 2nd October- First Day Term 4
Monday 9th-11th October- Grade 3/4 Camp
Friday 27th October- World Teacher Day
Tuesday 7th November- Melbourne Cup Day Student Free Day
Tuesday 21st and 28th November/ 5th and 12th December- Prep 2024 Transition Mornings
Thursday 23rd and 30th November- Prep 2024 Transition Afternoons
Thursday 7th December- Grade 6 Graduation
Tuesday 12th December -Statewide Transition Day
The Lume- whole school
This excursion was an awe-inspiring excursion for students and staff alike. The interactive nature of the exhibit kept all the students surprised and enjoying the artwork. Many of us agreed that the best part was entering the space for the first time and seeing the amazing experience that engaged all the senses
The Melbourne Excursion Aquarium- Grade 3/4
On Thursday 25th of August, the grade 3/4 students went on an excursion to the Sealife Aquarium. They had an amazing day exploring and learning new and interesting information about the different animals. The tour guides were amazing and captivated the student’s attention. All students thoroughly enjoyed seeing the penguins, they were all fascinated by them. They got to touch starfish, have a stare-off with fish, see stingrays, Pinjarra the crocodile, turtles and so many more interesting and unique sea creatures.
“My favourite part of the aquarium was probably everything, it was so cool everywhere I looked. There was no part I didn’t like” Fahd
“Seeing the penguins was so cute. My favourite thing was when they swam in the water” Alex
“I liked the penguins at the aquarium because they were really cute and funny” Ommul
We had a wonderful turnout at this Year's Book Week Parade. Keep an eye out in the papers for our school.
See our great costumes below!
