Term 1
Monday 27th March- Harmony Day
Tuesday 28th March- 5-6 excursion to Bendigo
Thursday 6th April- Last Day Term 1
Term 2
Monday 24th April- First Day Term 2
Tuesday 25th April- Anzac Day Public Holiday
Thursday 27th- Whole School Cross Country
Tuesday 9th May- Open Morning
Friday 12th May- Possum Magic Show at River links F-2
Tuesday 16th May- Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Show Prep-2
Tuesday 16th May- Open Morning
Monday 29th May- Whole School Professional Practice Day (student-free day)
Friday 9th June- School Photos
Friday 19th Monday 19th June- 23rd June Swimming Week
Friday 29th June- Last Day Term 2
We are after any size 4-6 polo shirts and size 4,6 or 8 track pants or leggings. We always have a supply of second-hand uniform for students who may need a change etc during the day. If anyone has any they are not using we would really love donations.

Today we had quite a number of students coming to school with Prime energy drinks. We can not let students have these drinks at school. It clearly says on the bottle that these drinks are not suitable for children under 15 years. Please don't send these drinks to school. Should children bring these drinks to school we will keep them up in the office until the end of the day and then return them. This is also the case for soft-drink. It is important that children drink lots of water throughout the day and as such we only allow water in drink bottles.