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Gowrie Street Primary School Newsletter 1st March 2024


  • Our calendar is on Compass. If you need help accessing Compass please see here

  • If your child is away from school you need to let the school know by phoning OR you could do it using the Compass App. This way Jo and Kerry in the office don't have to call to chase up where children are each day, which we are required to do if we have not heard from parents and carers and children are away.

  • Please only send water to school. We allow children to drink all day- water from their drink bottle.

  • Hats are really important- children must have a hat to play outside.


Being on the school council is one of the most successful ways to contribute to our school community. School council membership means you can be a part of the governance of our school, help drive new projects and have a deeper understanding about how our school works. Please consider nominating for a place. You will be on the council for 2 years. We have 8 meetings a year, many of them are online for convenience and we have a lovely end of year celebration! Please see the notice for school council nominations below and contact the office if you would like a nomination form. We can email it or send it home with your child.


Each week we will be giving students awards based on our school values of Pride, Excellence, Determination and Empathy. Students will be nominated by teachers, ES and other students! Our winners this week were

Excellence- Brodie Mitchell

Empathy - Zehra Coskin

Determination- Taequin Baksh

Pride- Prabhneet Choudhary

Our Day In 12A 

Hi my name is Vani,and I’m a Gowrie Street Primary School leader, and my friend Faith is a leader too. This week Faith and I, have journeyed to the Grade 1/2s. We have experienced many things on our journey. Journey also happens to be the focus this week in 12A as they are reading a book ‘are we there yet?’ That is all about a journey around AUSTRALIA.

We got to experience what you would expect - great learning, kids giving everything a go but also a few unexpected surprises, like when Ms Maunder showed us her Stockwhip and how to crack it. Also her lasso - we each got to try that one. It was very fun to watch, and she also had a losso that you could use to grab things from afar. It’s the rope that cowboys and cowgirls use.

We have also experienced the kids learning. We asked them about how they learn, and how does their teacher make learning fun.

Zehra’s response was “I love maths because I can count by different numbers.”


Joe said that his learning was good as well because of how he experienced going to the river which was the best thing this term yet and how he had to write things about the river.

Aliti also responded that her learning was fantastic because she really liked doing maths and her favourite things in maths were counting and other subjects too. 

We noticed that there are different ways to teach the kids.We also noticed that the kids all learn differently. During maths Vani and I took a small group to do two parts and one whole. We worked individually with multiple students to help them understand and complete the task to the best ability. 

The grade 1/2s also had Geography. In Geography we talked about their journey to the river,they had made a map. The map helped the kids remember about their adventure to the river. Ms Maunder has inspired the kids on their walk. They learnt about the directions on the compass they also learned how to scale their journey on the piece of paper.




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