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Gowrie St Primary School Newsletter 24th June 2022



Thursday 21th and Friday 22nd Student Eye tests

Monday 1st August Junklandia Regional Arts Victoria Performance

Tuesday16th August Whole School Melbourne Museum Excursions- Every child at every grade level! Permission notes are due back Tuesday 2nd August

Friday 26th August Book Week Celebration Day

Friday 17th September Dream Big Day- also the last day of Term 3

Term 2 Wrap Up

It seems like every term rushes to its end more quickly as they go by. We are now halfway through the year and it seems that has flown. This term we have done so many great things, been so many great places and had so many wonderful learning adventures. With so much happening it is no wonder the time flies......when you're having fun.

We have had to push through at times with illness really taking a toll on everyone, students, teachers and families. I would like to say that the endurance of everyone to really find it when things were hard and keep going has been inspiring. Many of our teachers have had to dig very deep to overcome being sick, show up and teach with the same enthusiasm and energy they always do. Students have had to push through colds and coughs to get better to get back to school, catch up on their learning and keep going. Families have had a super hard time with one at a time or ALL at once everyone is sick and it's hard to keep everyone going and at school as soon as they can be. It's been a hard slog this term and I would just like to acknowledge the work everyone has put in to keep the wheels turning, keep the learning happening, and keep coming to school each day. We all put in this enormous effort because at the end of the day all of us- families, school staff and students know how important it is to keep learning and connecting with each other and that school is the best place for young people to do this.

We are looking forward to a great Term 3 and we hope that some rest, some relaxation and some time to sleep in might give us all a chance to come back with even more energy to make it a great term!


Reports were sent home yesterday. Due to the unavailability of CRTs to cover classes we were unable to organise parent Teacher interviews this term. We are hoping to do these in some form early next term. Stay tuned!

Prep/1 Historical Museum Excursion

This term the Foundation/Year 1 students have been learning about the past and present. On Wednesday we went to the Shepparton Historical Museum and we got to see lots of old photos about Shepparton, old things that were around the house and even a video about Gowrie Street Primary School from the 1960s.

Student reflections:

Meral - "I liked the old school photos"

Levi - "I liked everything"

JJ - "I liked going on the scavenger hunt"

Eddie - "I liked finding an old washing machine"

Attendance Celebrations

We had a number of celebrations for attendance this week. Well done to everyone who was able to participate in these celebrations. This term we made sure illness was taken into consideration and only days unexplained were counted against attendance for the classroom celebrations.

Our Week in Pictures

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