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Gowrie St Primary School Newsletter 16th December 2022


Friday 16th December- Last Day Term 4 for Students

Friday 27th January- Uniform Shop Open at School


Term 1

Monday 30th January- Term 1 2023 Starts

Friday 24th February- Curriculum Day (student-free day)

Monday 13th March- Labour Day Public Holiday

Thursday 6th April- Last Day Term 1

Term 2

Friday 12th May- Possum Magic Show at River links F-2

Monday 29th May- Whole School Professional Practice Day (student-free day)


These past two weeks have been filled with celebrating finishing things and also looking forward to new beginnings.

Last Thursday night we celebrated our wonderful 2022 Grade 6s. It was a lovely evening with smiles and tears as we send them on to the next part of their lives, while at the same time reminding them they are always part of our Gowrie St family.

On Tuesday, we had a successful transition morning where all our students from Foundation to 5 met their new teacher and spent time with their new class. In the afternoon we all came together to listen to our prospective school leaders deliver some outstanding speeches. they all did a wonderful job of standing up in front of the whole school and outlining why they should be chosen to be a school leader.

Our School Leaders are:

School captain - Talisha and Ebony

Vice captain - Nulla and Nargis

Red leaders - Chelsea and Cooper

Blue leaders - Shyriah and Jernevah

Green leaders - Jamasyn and Ahmad

Yellow leaders - Logan and Aliaqa (dependent on Aliaqa moving to Yellow house)

Culture captains - Dom and Sharneequah

Our classes and teachers for next year are:

F1A- Leanne Martin

F1B- Rebecca Byrnes

12A- Eden Maunder

12B- Heidi Pritchard

34A- Breanna Russell

34B- Hannah Hoskin

34C- Sam Sharpe

56A- Mason Argus

56B- Ahmed AlHameli

56C- Alex Peace

Families were sent information about their child's teacher on Monday.

On Thursday we saw our 5-6s go to Funfields and despite the cold weather, they had a great time. Our 3-4s shared a delicious roast lunch altogether and our F-2 brought it all home with FUN NIGHT. It has been a joyous and exciting week and I would really like to thank all the staff who worked so hard to bring all of this together. We are so lucky to have the incredible team of people at Gowrie St who always show up to make sure our kids are surrounded by happiness, joy, and love.


The end of a year in a school always sees a few people moving on to other things. This year we say goodbye to Beth Taylor, who has been doing small group arts intervention, and to Steph Parkin, the 12B classroom ES. Both are having babies almost on the same day and we wish them the best in that most wonderful adventure.

We say goodbye to Heather Sullivan who has been working across the school as an ES for half of this year.

Finally, we say goodbye to a teacher who has been a part of Gowrie St for the last 7 years. Ash Meyland came to Gowrie St as a graduate and her contributions to our school are too many to list here. But what is easy to name is the care, consideration, kindness, expert teaching and humor she has brought to all the children she has taught over that time and to all staff as well. She leaves us to go traveling and we are so proud of her for going adventuring but we will also miss her a lot.

We also say goodbye to a number of families either because they have their last child with us moving onto secondary school or because the family is moving. We say thank you for your contribution to our community and wish you the very best.

This year has been a busy one for us at Gowrie St. We have had so many exciting adventures and experiences, camps, and excursions, interesting people to visit and teach us things, performances, sports, and opportunities. It has been a year filled with joy and fun, but also hard work, and great learning and the time has flown by. The feedback we have received this year from visitors, or from members of the community who have seen us out and about or that we have visited, has been that our students shine! They represent all our school values and they should be proud of how well they participate, include others, and how enthusiastic and respectful they are.

As our teachers now work together to plan for 2023 we are making sure that Gowrie St continues to be the very best school it can be and that every student can be their very best.

Have a restful break and we look forwards to seeing you all next year.


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